Thursday 28 July 2022

Thursday 28th July 2022

Fitful night's sleep...meant I was a bit slow getting started this morning. Breakfasted in the pub next door, then came back for a shower. Set off for Newport at 1000. Ventured back to the sink estate I'd escaped yesterday lunchtime, and managed to find the remaining units quickly...the pushers were beginning to congregate, but it didn't feel as intimidating as yesterday. I lunched in Sainsbury's car park, as per usual, then headed for another sink estate in Crindau, which was almost as bad! A lot of very dodgy looking characters staggering about...and a couple of young mums spotted me driving about in the usual circles...they had kids, and I knew what they were thinking, so I stopped to ask my way, which gave me the opportunity to put them right...they were fine with of them stopped for a wee chat. Her 10 year old asked me if I carried a gun! Ended the day in an area of Victorian era terraced housing before turning the car around and heading for the hotel. Called Aki who was preparing to cook her dinner. She had successfully changed the water filter cartridge this afternoon, having taken delivery of four, which ought to keep us going for two years! I drove up to the village of Pontnewynydd, and had dinner at the Little Crown, a funny little pub and restaurant on a residential street. The ambience didn't felt like I was in Auntie Jean's house...but the homecooked lamb shank with black pudding mashed potato was great. Drove back to the hotel and did a couple of hours at the laptop.

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