Sunday 24 July 2022

Saturday 23rd July 2022

Woke around 0745. Got up and did a bit of work at the laptop over a mug of tea. Rang the local VW garage, but they recommended I call out the AA, so did that...due to turn up around midday! Went for breakfast at McDonald's across the road. It was rammed! Called Kath, who sounded a bit rougher than yesterday...sore throat and a temperature. Mum apparently going round to deliver paracetamol tablets later. AA man turned up before noon and ran a diagnostic test. Showing the coolant pump is misfiring now and then, but there is a back up pump, so should get to London OK. He recommended I get it checked out at my local garage. Drove home without mishap. No warning light. Stopped at Reading services for my lunch, and got home around 1600. Aki cooked teriyaki salmon with rice and miso soup. Watched some athletics from Oregon. Phoned ma and pa...they sounded OK, and had been keeping a safe distance from their daughter! Watched the documentary about Charlie Watts...intriguing character. Hadn't known about his OCD tendencies...and he'd amassed an impressive collection of jazz paraphernalia with the intention of opening a museum! This was followed by a Stones gig from 1978 in Texas...they cooked up a storm; it was mesmerising...

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