Friday 22 July 2022

Thursday 21st July 2022

Alarm at 0730. Got up and showered. Breakfast at the pub next door, Premier Inn style! Headed back to Bettws, which took me the remainder of the morning. Drove over to Caerleon for lunch at The Priory. Then on to Rogerstone, ending a the rather depressing Thornbury Park Estate. Bearable temperatures today, though got a bit hot in the car during the afternoon. Couldn't get a table at The Priory this evening, so drove to Caerleon and tried the Red Fort. Great service, and the restaurant was spotless...I ordered the chicken was huge, enough for three people. I tried my best to polish it off, but had to admit defeat, and stagger round the corner to my car. Got back to the hotel and did some work at the laptop, uploading today's photos. 

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