Saturday 16 July 2022

Thursday 14th July 2022

Disturbed night's stabbing pains to my lower abdomen in the vicinity of the old appendix prevented me from nodding off until about 0200. No repeat of the experience come the morning, so fingers, and appendix, crossed! Aki got up and started gardening...she's planting some lettuce this morning. I got up around 0900 and made porridge for breakfast, then did some more DIY work on the shower step before the temperatures got too inhibiting. Aki made a salad for lunch, and we polished off the cheese and onion pasty I'd bought yesterday at Girasole. Did a little work at the computer in the afternoon. Warmed up the aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner, with grated courgette and green beans on the side. Watched a bit of telly. Fascinating BBC programme about the planning, building and launching of the extraordinary James Webb telescope, which is now beaming back images from deep space. 

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