Tuesday 19 July 2022

Monday 18th July 2022

Alarm at 0730. Aki got up to water her plants. I lazed in bed listening to R4...interesting interview with Maggi Hambling talking about the cultural anchor points of her life and work. She was very funny at the end, telling her interviewer that she was desperate for the lavatory! Aki settled in front of her laptop in the lounge to join in with an exercise zoom meet with some of her JCUK Japanese lady friends. I made porridge and watched for a bit, before retiring to the bathroom to do a bit of DIY on the shower step. Aki made a tasty bowl of cold noodles for lunch. Watched some World Championship Athletics during the afternoon. Got a sweat on just watching! Made a burrata salad with griddled peaches, asparagus and spring onion, followed by pasta with a wild fennel pesto, and raspberry tiramisu for afters. Watched two episodes of "Better Things"...shaping up nicely. Bath and bed...tropical night but had no trouble getting off to sleep.

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