Wednesday 6 July 2022

Wednesday 6th July 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Aki up to ready herself for Rowing Club...she'd made a 1st Anniversary card to mark one year since the Civil Partnershipping...I'd bought her chocolates and an orchid. I did some work at the computer once she'd cycled off. She came back around 1230, and got changed before we headed into town for an anniversary lunch at The Magazine, Zaha Hadid's restaurant creation which appends the Serpentine Gallery. The pavlova was a hit!!! 

Wandered over to the Serpentine Pavilion, before walking east around the lake to Hyde Park Corner, where we grabbed a coffee before heading home. Caught the back end of Kyrgios's win over Garin, and then got hooked on Rafa's extraordinary comeback against Taylor Fritz. What a player! Aki roasted chicken and potatoes for dinner. Boris hanging on by his finger nails...three dozen resignations from Government in 24 hours, and he later sacked Michael Gove, who had asked him to step aside. Watched a bit of the England Women's opening Euro '22 match against Austria, but it was pretty dull, so watched an episode of "Ten Percent" before bath and bed.

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