Tuesday 26 July 2022

Tuesday 26th July 2022

Alarm at 0730. Tumbled out of bed and made a mug of tea, and did some work at the laptop. Showered then walked over to the pub for breakfast. Headed into Cwmbran to do inspections, then back to Duffryn, to take up where I'd left off last night. Spent most of the working day in areas to the north-west of the city centre. Needed petrol, so drove over to the big Sainsburys near the M4. Had my lunch in the cafe there...pretty shoddy, but it filled a hole. Ended the working day in Clytha, on the western fringes of Newport city centre, then drove back to the hotel in Cwmbran, Changed my shirt, then drove to the town centre to visit Page's fish 'n chip shop...took a takeaway back to my room to watch the football. Rang Aki...she'd had a go at writing some spoof lyrics to "When I'm 64"...a valiant effort, and I shall be pinching some of her ideas for my final version. England hammered the well-fancied Swedes 4-0 in an extraordinary game...some jaw dropping moments, of which Russo's back-heeled goal to make it 3-0 was the stand out. Emotional scenes afterward...looking forward to the final on Sunday evening.

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