Saturday 2 July 2022

Saturday 2nd July 2022

Got up around 0900 and took Aki a mug of tea...she had turned an ankle yesterday, so stayed in bed for a bit. I uploaded yesterday's photos before breakfast. Watched Katie Boulter go out rather tamely to Harmony Tan. Did some gardening...pruning back the wisteria...hope I haven't killed it! Spent most of the remainder of the day on the sofa watching tennis. Liam Broady failed to get past the tenacious Alex de Minaur. Just two Brits left in the tournament. Aki cooked up a tasty carbonara for dinner. Watched the first of four one-hour documentaries on The Rolling Stones. Tonight's concentrated on Mick, but was pretty detail on his thoughts about the death of Brian, or the Altamont killing...enjoyed it though! Rock on...

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