Wednesday 6 July 2022

Tuesday 5th July 2022

A day in the saddle. Got up and made porridge, and a packed lunch. Headed out eastward at 0930, stopping in Harringay for £50 worth of petrol. First stop, Chelmsford, then on to Braintree, and Colchester. Had my lunch in a lay-by on the A120. Got as far north-east as Dedham, which is a very characterful looking village...would have stopped for a tea if I'd had the time. I was quite taken with the Housing Association stock here...on a small infill development of largely high-end units, but the social housing was in a little row of modern 'cottages' built to mimic the local vernacular. Turned the car around and headed for Tiptree, ending the working day in Tillingham near Burnham-on-Crouch. A long drive back home from in at 1930. Aki had baked a mackerel, which we had with rice and miso soup. Caught up with the day's tennis...Cameron Norrie got through a gruelling five setter to reach the semi-final, where he will play Novak, Lord help him!!!

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