Sunday 31 July 2022

Saturday 30th July 2022

I woke around 0700 so got up and sat at the computer in a bid to get up-to-date. Aki made a hollandaise sauce, and we had poached eggs and smoked salmon for brunch. Andrew from No.49 popped round to enquire about the sedum roof on our bike shed, and have a natter. They are off to India for three weeks in the autumn, and then to New Zealand for three months, so their Ukrainian tenants will have the run of the place. took a constitutional up Highgate Hill, and we had coffee at Lauderdale House, before going home...Aki walked on to Waitrose, while I popped into Chris Stevens to buy some more tile adhesive for the bathroom job. As I was nearing the flat, I walked past No.38 and found Ben hanging out the window...he invited us in for tea and biscuits and a catch up...they have guests tomorrow, so won't be joining me for my birthday lunch at The Landseer. Aki baked cod for dinner, and we watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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