Monday 4 July 2022

Monday 4th July 2022

Alarm at 0800. Dozed for a little while before rising and making tea. Sat at the computer and did some work before making myself a bowl of porridge. Watched a bit of tennis from Wimbledon. Aki cooked a Spanish omelette for lunch, with ham and a salad. I had a doctor's appointment at 1500. I was surprised that nobody was wearing a mask in the reception area, just me. Though Dr. Bevan wore one when he came out to call me in. Got a couple of repeat prescriptions organised for cortisone and anti-fungal creams, though he suggested I arrange another appointment as regards my facial warts, as he was a locum and professed to be unaware of the current policy toward minor surgery...the NHS is going down hill fast! Came home via No.38...handed Ben and Gayu the house keys that the policewoman had given me yesterday. Their front window had been boarded up, but they were still awaiting the return of their laptops. They seemed pretty philosophical about it all. Came home and watched the Nadal v Van de Zandschulp game. Nadal is looking super-human!!! I warmed up the pasta and cabbage broth I'd made the other day for dinner. Watched "The Pentaverate", Mike Myers' new comedy had it's moments, and he plays most of the characters, donning innumerable wigs and facial prosthetics, followed by a bit of "Seinfeld". Bath and bed...

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