Wednesday 29 June 2022

Wednesday 29th June 2022

Alarm at 0730...Aki got up to prepare to cycle to Rowing Club, but it started to rain a bit, so she cancelled. I got up around 0900 and made porridge. Did some hedge trimming on my beard...that took me about half-an-hour! Play at Wimbledon delayed by rain. Ryan Peniston eventually took to the court at 1245, so watched him for a bit before lunching on a ham salad. He lost. As did Emma, and later on, Sir Andy! We walked to Finsbury Park tube station and took a train to Leicester Square.

Queued up to get in to Ronnie Scott's. Third time we've been there to see Aki's old chum, Jon Cleary, who had come over for a week's residency with his New Orleans band, The Monster Gentlemen. He's a class act, and the backing band he's put together are superb...great evening's entertainment. It was the early 1730 gig, so we were out by 2000. Found a little Japanese cafe, Nala, round the corner, and had a bite to wasn't very good, though. I had a rather dry pork tonkatsu. Won't be going there again. Home by 2145.

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