Monday 4 July 2022

Sunday 3rd July 2022

Slow start this morning, though Aki was up and about pretty sharpish...she cycled off to the Rowing Club. I did a bit of work at the computer then ambled round the corner for a coffee at Big Jo's, and from thence up to M&S at Archway. Bought some odds and ends for lunch, which I made when I got back home. Aki turned up just in time. Watched some tennis from Wimbledon, but my afternoon's viewing was interrupted by a knock on the front was Paul from No.27. He wondered if we had Ben's, or Gayu's, phone numbers, as the police had been called to No.38 and were trying to get hold of them. Someone had put a brick through their front window, but luckily had been spotted by a neighbour at No.45, who had called the police. They picked the thief up round the corner, in possession of three laptops he'd stolen from No.38. Ben and Gayu had gone away for the weekend to a jazz festival in Sussex, so of course didn't pick up when we rang them. We left their phone numbers with the police, who were awaiting a forensics team, and someone to come out and board up the front window. Never a dull moment round these parts! Cooked duck legs in orange sauce for dinner, with roast vegetables and orzo. Watched Cam Norrie beat American Tommy Paul in straight sets to get to the quarter final for the first time.

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