Monday 11 July 2022

Monday 11th July 2022

Woken at 0625 by what sounded like five gunshots coming from the direction of Hornsey Road. However, the expected screaming and sirens didn't materialise, so presumably it came from the building site. Turned over and went back to sleep. Got up at 0830 to make porridge and a mug of tea. Health Alert issued in advance of high temperatures this afternoon...forecast to reach 33C. Did an couple of hour's work, then ventured out to do some inspections in Aldgate...went via public transport, as it's difficult to find a parking space in the vicinity, and it's in the Congestion Charge Zone. Pounded the streets just north of Aldgate, around Petticoat Lane. Repaired to Pret A Manger afterward for a coffee, then headed home for lunch. Aki made a cold noodle salad. Worked at the computer all afternoon. Broke at 1800 to watch the news. The Guardian film critic has done film reviews of some of the Tory hopefuls Leadership bid videos...very amusing! Warmed up the Goan fish curry for dinner...Aki cooked up some basmati rice to go with it. Phoned Kath who was eating her dinner...Jim not there, as he was in Wallsend visiting Emma, his new beau. She's an addict too...she's addicted to running, so we are hoping she'll get Jim fired up to get his running shorts on! Warm evening, but not too bad...forecast is for temperature rises at the weekend, though, with warnings it may reach 40C...!!!

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