Sunday 24 July 2022

Sunday 24th July 2022

Fitful night's sleep. Got up around 0745 and made tea. Improvised breakfast...Aki had cooked some pancakes the other day and had frozen some, so we ate them with various accompaniments. Aki cycled off to Rowing Club. I did some work trying vainly to catch up on the inspection sheets for the stock I'd seen in Newport last week. I cycled off at was hotter out there than I'd anticipated. Got to the Rowing Club and sat awaiting Aki's boat to come in. Had lunch at the cafe with her and her comrades in oars. A couple of them asked how Twelfth Night had gone...pity they didn't come and see it! Oh well, maybe next time. Cycled back in the increasing heat. Rewarded ourselves with spoom and Aki's homemade creme brulee. Watched some athletics while I did some more work. Broke for dinner. Aki put together a tasty burrata salad. 

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