Sunday 31 July 2022

Sunday 31st July 2022

Woke around 0800. Aki got up and made tea, and handed me a card on which she had written When You're Sixty-four, and my face superimposed on the cover of the Sergeant Pepper album. We had poached eggs and hollandaise sauce for breakfast, then Aki filmed my rendition of Now I'm Sixty-four, which I put up on FB. Ma and Pa FaceTimed me via Kath's iPhone to deliver a rendition of Happy Birthday. Wandered round to The Landseer for 1300, and met Kathleen and Andrew from No.49 there, and Kevin from No.93. Helen and Martin joined us, and we ate a hearty Sunday lunch. Aki then appeared from behind the bar with the chocolate brownies that Katrina had posted to me, with a few lit candles stuck in them, and I sang my song to the small but perfectly formed audience in the bar...think it went down well. We adjourned to ours for tea and a natter, before people headed off to watch the football. Very emotional scenes as England snatched victory in extra time in front of a sell out crowd at Wembley. Inspiring stuff!!!

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