Thursday 28 July 2022

Wednesday 27th July 2022

Woke before the alarm, so got up and did a bit of work at the laptop, mug of tea in hand. Showered, and breakfasted in the pub next door. Headed out to various points in Cwmbran, then on to Maesglas, near the docks. Got bogged down on an extensive low quality build estate down there...much of it largely accessible only on foot. I stopped to ask a van driver working with the housing association for directions through the maze, and he told me they were advised not to work alone on the estate. I had already driven past several alcoholics and evident drug users, staggering about in the vicinity...and a couple of pushers. Managed to get round most of it, but there was an area where I'd spotted a knot of pushers, so didn't finish...will have to come back tomorrow! Escaped for a late lunch in Sainsbury's car park in Crindau, then drove over to St Woolos, and ended on the large St Julian Estate. Drove back to the hotel, via Sainsbury's in Cwmbran to pick up some milk and fruit. Ate at The Greenhouse, which had been recommended by the lady on was no better than the food at the pub next door to the hotel. Sat in the pub garden under a huge apple tree which had dropped much of it's load on the ground about me. Nearly got knocked out by one. Got back to the hotel in time to watch the second half of the France v Germany game, which the Germans won 2-1....setting up an England v Germany final at Wembley on Sunday!

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