Monday 11 July 2022

Sunday 10th July 2022

Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club.  Got up and made porridge and a mug of tea. Aki cycled off to the orient, and I took the opportunity provided by the good weather to take my constitutional, climbing Highgate Hill. Very warm out, so was sweating rather profusely by the time I reached the Pink Food Cafe at Lauderdale House. Sat out at a table under shade, and read Ayckbourn's "Improbable Fiction"...not one of his maesterwerks, but presents an enjoyable evening's entertainment...I would be eminently suitable for the role of Brevis. I see the play had disappeared from the Tower's Autumn season, however, so not sure what's going on. As I set off back down toward Archway, I stumbled across a rather picturesque scene outside the big church at the top of Dartmouth Park Hill, hence the photo. Picked up some odds and ends at M&S at Archway and walked home to prepare lunch. Aki back in time for the start of the Men's Final between Djockovich and Kyrgios. The latter got off to a great start...I'd never seen him so focussed, and he took the first set. But then Nola got his eye in and rolled him over! I cooked up an aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner. Watched "Vast of Night", a well put together little story of a visit from an alien spaceship to t small town in New Mexico in 1956...the story was well told, and there was some interesting camera direction, presumably using a drone. Nice performances too. 

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