Sunday 17 July 2022

Sunday 17th July 2022

Woke around 0800. Aki leapt out of bed to water her garden plants. I got up and cooked a breakfast. Did a little prep work on the bathroom shower step, prior to creating a little wall of ceramic tile off cuts. Did a bit of work on my birthday song. Temperatures drifting up toward 30C...going to get considerably hotter tomorrow! Popped out to buy a water melon, and bumped into Carlos and Jane from No.36, who persuaded me to go get Aki, and join them for a coffee at Girasole. Sat outside and had a coffee mousse...suitably cold and thick and creamy. Read the paper for a bit this afternoon...too warm to do much else. I cooked duck breast for dinner, and made an orange sauce. Raspberry tiramisu and ice cream to follow. Watched the highlights of the final round of the 150th Open Golf Championship from St Andrews...Rory was hanging tough, but Cam Smith stormed the back nine to wrest the claret jug from the Irishman's grasp. Watched "Better Things" on the iPlayer...a comedy drama centred around a struggling LA actress trying juggle work with raising a family. Looks promising...though now it's fifth season, we had never heard of it before!

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