Thursday 7 July 2022

Thursday 7th July 2022

Alarm at 0800. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up to make porridge. Chris Mason, the BBC's fine political editor reporting for the Today programme, broke off to take a phone call from No.10 Downing Street, and came back on air to report that Boris was standing down as Tory Party leader, and will hand over the Prime Ministerial reins before the Autumn party conference. We danced about the living-room in celebration. Aki made herself a picnic lunch, and cycled off to Regent's Park to meet up with a handful of JCUK members. I did some work at the computer, breaking for lunch. Aki had left me some sushi roll and rice balls. Watched the Ladies Semi-finals. Jabeur and Rybakina won through to their first Grand Slam final. Rafa had to pull out of tomorrow's Men's semi with a torn abdominal muscle, so Kyrgios gets a bye into the Final. I made a salad Nicoise for dinner once Aki had cycled back from Regent's Park. Rang mother for a quick chat...all seems well on High View, though dad still awaiting news on his hip op. 

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