Monday 1 August 2022

Monday 1st August 2022

Woke around 0700 so got up and made some tea, and began work writing up some of last week's inspection sheets. Broke for porridge, then ploughed on. Aki had a zoom exercise class at 1000. She made cold noodle salad with a sesame soy sauce for lunch. I needed a lie down mid afternoon, the sheer tedium of filling in inspection form after inspection form felling me shortly after lunch. Aki popped out to the shops. Worked through what was left of my afternoon while Aki went next door to help Margaret find her way around the Emirates website on her new iPad...she's flying out to New Zealand tomorrow. Aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner. Had a quiet evening in. Lynne upstairs lost her twin sister today after a long battle with cancer, and had her sister's children over in the evening, so we kept the noise down. Watched a bit of telly..."Better Things" followed by an episode of "Seinfeld" before bath and bed...

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