Thursday 23 June 2022

Thursday 23rd June 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Hernia repair playing up a bit this morning. Got up and made tea. Porridge for breakfast. Read a bit of the V.S.Naipaul..."A Bend in the River" is the Book Club read. Enjoying it so far...very evocative of a hot and steamy Belgian Congo just after independence. Made myself a packed lunch, then drove out east for inspections in the suburbs of Chelmsford. Needed to stop for petrol in Harringay...£1.90 a litre! Popped into the Sainsbury's store there to buy some lunch items, then headed for the M11, the M25, and the A12. Ate my lunch in the car on a 50s era Council estate. A number of houses on the estate are described as being non-traditional, such as the Laing Easi-form semi in the photo. Got home a little before 1800. Aki made a chicken tagine, served with cous-cous and vegetables. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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