Sunday 5 June 2022

Saturday 4th June 2022

Woke around 0830. Aki got up and made tea, which we drank in bed, then I got up to cook breakfast...did bacon and eggs, with avocado and cream cheese toast, fried potato, tomato and mushrooms. The weather turned last night, and it's a bit damp outside, which deterred us from venturing out in the morning. Aki did some washing instead. Drove to Cenarth Falls, and took a walk along the boardwalk that has been built on the north bank of the River Teifi. Brought us out at some fields just as Farmer Taff drove up to feed his sheep...he came over for a wee chat, and revealed he was 81 years old! 

He asked us if we were on holiday, then said he'd never had a holiday, save when he got married. We asked after his wife, who he said was back home watching TV. I said, "You must have had a honeymoon, then!?" He said he'd been given the Saturday off to get married, and was back at work on the Monday. I said, "So where did you go for your honeymoon?" He replied..."In bed...." We watched him for a bit as he scattered cake among his flock, then walked back to the village for a cream tea. 
Drove down narrow country lanes to Mwnt, a coastal mount and beach, with a small white washed chapel, that is owned by the National Trust. Couldn't get enough of a 4G signal to pay for the parking, and had no cash, so I stayed in the car and watched Aki make the climb through my looked a bit windy as she gained the summit! Then drove down into Cardigan and wandered through the small town centre. We had a table booked at Yr Hen Printworks, which had been turned into a tapas restaurant last year. Nice refurbishment, and nice food.

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