Wednesday 29 June 2022

Tuesday 28th June 2022

Alarm at 0800. Aki got up and made tea. I followed and had some porridge. Aki needed the computer, so I read some V.S.Naipaul. Managed to do an hour or so's work, then watched Katie Swan go out to Ukrainian Marta Kostyuk. Broke for lunch...Aki made a noodle soup with an egg in it. Ended up investing most of the rest of my day in the goings on at Wimbledon...Paul Jubb ran Kyrgios close, and after watching Rafa come through, we got hooked on the Williams v Tan was mesmerising. We had to leave it at 1 set to 0 to Tan, and 1-1 in the second set, the second game taking almost half-an-hour, to watch the final episode of "Sherwood". Turned back an hour later to find it 4-4 in the third went to a nail-biting tie-break, which Tan miraculously won! Stirring stuff!!!

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