Sunday 12 June 2022

Saturday 11th June 2022

Woke around 0800. Aki got up and brought tea, and we sat up in bed reading for a bit. Had fruit and yoghurt for breakfast. I managed half-an-hour's work at the computer before Jane and Carlos called on us at noon. We walked up to Big Jo's for a light lunch and managed to get a seat outside. The baked egg was tasty, but blinkin' pricey at £12!!! Had coffee and a sticky bun for afters. Jane and Carlos are planning to head for the States next week, for a month, visiting friends and family, so won't be at the next Book Club meet. Walked them back to No.36, bumping into Clare on the way...she'd managed to escape Cardigan last Saturday on the one and only bus to Carmarthen. Yuki walked by, too, and asked if Aki and I would do some songs for the local primary school's end of term party next month! Gave her a tentative "yes"...but Aki wasn't too keen. We'll see. Got back in front of the computer for the afternoon until IT forcibly signed me out to undertake some maintenance work. Aki set about trimming the hedge out front. I joined her to help clear up the spoils, and do some re-training on the wisteria, which keeps wanting to head toward No.5 for some reason. Aki made an aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner, and we watched Norwegian tragi-comedy "The Worst Person in the World"...I think one review had it down as a rom-com, but there weren't many laughs...instead a moving tale of one young woman trying to carve her own identity as she stumbled through life's ups and downs.

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