Sunday 12 June 2022

Sunday 12th June 2022

Disturbed night's sleep...despite having the CPAP machine on, I woke at 0230 with a severely dehydrated mouth and dry, it caused a choking fit. Luckily I had a supply of drinking water water bedside. I suspect the beer with my dinner may have been the root cause, though I can't say I drank much water during the day yesterday, which may also have something to do with it. Managed to get back to sleep, but ditched the CPAP machine for the rest of the night. Aki up relatively early...she cycled off to Rowing Club. Made some porridge for breakfast. Did a bit of work at the computer, then took a hike up to Archway, and from thence up Highgate Hill to Waterlow Park for a coffee. Glorious day! Walked back down, getting home just after Aki had returned from Rowing Club, and I cooked brunch. Pottered about in the afternoon, not doing very much...had a snooze on the sofa, practised some Stones songs, that sort of thing. Bought rail tickets to Newcastle for August. Kath FaceTimed us from ma and pa's back garden where they were having aperitifs before dinner. Jim was there too...Kath reckoned he hadn't had a drink today, which was good news! Watched "Apollo 101/2 ", an animated Richard Linklater film in which a young lad growing up in Houston in the late sixties imagines he's sent on a NASA mission to the moon, as they'd miscalculated and built the lunar module too small to be able to fit the adult astronauts in to it, and didn't want to waste it, so picked him out of his classmates for top secret training...lots of reminiscing about small town American life in the late 60s, beautifully done...a real treat.

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