Wednesday 1 June 2022

Tuesday 31st May 2022

Alarm at 0730. Aki got up and brought me a mug of tea. I didn't manage to haul myself out of bed until gone 0830. Needed to pack for our trip out west. Aki prepared a packed lunch, using up what was left in the fridge. Set off before noon, and made for the the M40, turning southward at High Wycombe to take the A404 which eventually joins the M4. Stopped at Reading Service station for a coffee, and ate our packed lunch. Aki took over at the wheel for the run to Cardiff Services, and I drove us in to Swansea. Booked in to the City Gates Premier Inn at the bottom of the Wynde. Took a stroll over to the marina and the old dockyards, but it was a bit chilly, so headed back to get jackets, then met Nigel and Julie in Hogarth's gin palace for a quick snifter. They both looked well, considering...Julie had a heart attack in January, and has four stents fitted. Nige is still struggling with his damaged knee, but these factors don't appear to have diminished their enthusiasm for some DIY building work on their new chalet style bungalow in Ynystawe. They'll take us for a viewing tomorrow morning. Headed across the road to Hanson's at the Chelsea, my favourite Swansea eatery. Went for a venison ragu and pappardelle starter, followed by Hanson's trio, which included a small portion of shepherd's pie, lamb Wellington, and beef fillet with onion marmalade. Aki had the Dover sole, and we shared a creme brulee before staggering back to the hotel for a bath and bed...

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