Tuesday 7 June 2022

Tuesday 7th June 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Not a great night's sleep...my room seems to be in the vicinity of a throbbing generator. Got up and made tea. Had a shower, then went downstairs for my breakfast. Headed north-east up the Neath Valley to Glynneath, then on to Seven Sisters, and back down to villages outlying Neath town. Broke for lunch in Neath...had a jacket potato in a little cafe in the town centre. Neath is pretty depressing, though...makes Swansea look aspirational! After lunch I headed up to Cimla, then back toward Swansea, before packing in and heading for the hotel around 1830. Dined at Marco Pierre White's steak house in the J Shed. There was a big corporate party in, so my order got pushed down the pecking order...took an hour for my roast chicken de la forrestierre to arrive...but it was well worth the wait. Did some more work at the computer when I got back to my room. Aki rang...she'd had a five hour journey on two trains from Carmarthen, but had got home in one piece. I rehearsed my blues numbers ahead of Thursday night's open mic night. 

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