Sunday 19 June 2022

Sunday 19th June 2022

Woke around 0830. Dozed for a bit, then scrolled through FB in bed...a missive from King's Place introduced me to the intriguing jazz inflected sounds of Selene Saint-Aimee, so stuck her last album on Apple Music while I grated courgette for breakfast...made courgette fritters, which we had with poached egg and salad. Aki had received a message from her nephew to say he had taken Noboru back in to hospital, as he was having breathing difficulties. Fortunately, they gave him the all clear after doing some tests...he's recovering from having half a lung removed, after all! Walked up Highgate Hill. Not very sunny out, but pleasant enough for an amble. Managed to get to the top of the hill on this occassion, just as it started to spit with rain, so we adjourned to Gail's Bakery for a coffee. Had a wander round some of the back streets around what used to be Highgate Pond, but which is now under tarmac. Nice leafy spot, though, with a village feel. Kath FaceTimed us from High View, so we were able to show them some of the leafy street scene and the Old Hall. Dad had enjoyed his Father's Day card...we'd commandeered a cartoon of a horse with one zebra hind leg, complaining that he wasn't too happy with his hip replacement. Wandered back down Swain's Lane, and into Waterlow Park. Caught the sound of music on the breeze, and discovered a school jazz band playing in the garden at Lauderdale House, so sat and listened to them for half an hour or so, The drummer was good, and the brass made a good sound as a rhythm section, but the solo's were beginner level, if that! Still, a very pleasant way to enjoy the park. Got a bus down the hill to Waitrose and shopped for some essentials, then walked home. The rain held off, thankfully. Aki cooked a mushroom risotto for dinner. Watched some telly...quite enjoyed Romesh Ranganathan's new comedy, "Avoidance", and watched Jamie-Lee O'Donnell's doc about divided Derry...lots to be positive about, but it all still hangs in the balance.

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