Tuesday 28 June 2022

Monday 27th June 2022

Alarm at 0730. Slow start, but eventually rose for breakfast, and prepared to head north. Drove up the A1, stopping off for a coffee at South Mimms service station. Then on to a village just past Hitchin, and from thence back south-eastward to Hoddesdon. Bought a fish and chip lunchtime special at Captain Cod on the High Street, voted No.2 best fish 'n chip shop in England last year...so a favourite halt if I'm working out that way. Ate my repast in the car at Sainsbury's car park. Did inspections in Hoddesdon, then on to the village of Roydon, near Harlow, and a small modern gated development on the edge of the village. Couldn't get my car past the gate, so parked up and walked on to the estate. On my way back out I was hailed by the resident at No.1, nearest the gate, who wanted to know who I was and what I was doing...ended up having a bit of a chat. Turned out she was a lawyer. She said she had had much trouble with the occupants of the bungalow and land behind her house, who had been hosting raves during lockdown! She'd complained to the police, who did nothing, until someone turned up with a gun and killed someone! She heard the get away car drive off! Nowhere is safe!!! Drove home for dinner...Aki baked trout, which we had with roast vegetables, followed by tiramisu. Watched Emma Raducanu ease through to the second round, and Andy Murray won too. Called ma to see if she was watching. Watched episode 5 of "Sherwood", which is cooking nicely, before bath and bed...

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