Thursday 23 June 2022

Wednesday 22nd June 2022

Alarm at 0730. Aki up to ready herself for a cycle ride to Springfield Park and a morning on the River Lea in a row boat. I sat in front of the computer with a mug of tea and a bowl of chocolate porridge. Broke for elevenses, and ambled up to Big Jo's for a coffee. Picked up some milk on the way back home. Made some lunch when Aki got back. Did a bit more work then slumped on the sofa to watch some tennis from Eastbourne. Nodded off for a little while! Aki made a pesto sauce with our supply of home-grown basil, which we ate for dinner with homemade pasta and side salad. Watched episode 3 of "Sherwood"...getting a bit difficult to follow, as more red herrings are deposited on the Nottinghamshire coalfield. 

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