Sunday 26 June 2022

Sunday 26th June 2022

Slow start this morning. Aki up early to get prepared for her cycle off to the rowing club. Eventually rose to make porridge. Cooked up a pizzaiola sauce. Did some reading, then decided to walk up Highgate Hill for some exercise. Took my book with me, grabbed a coffee from the cafe at Lauderdale House, and sat on a bench to read for awhile. Made my way back down the hill, popping in to M&S at Archway to buy some prawns to have with salad for lunch. Aki got home around 1400, so it was a late lunch. Drove over to a little garden centre off the Camden Road, as Aki wanted to pick up some compost. Funny little place...can't see how they make their money. Came away with a large bag of earth, though, and Aki got to work in the front garden, repotting her tomato plants. Cooked up some pasta to go with my sauce, and a side salad with mozzarella. Watched more Glastonbury coverage. Enjoyed a bit of Guy Garvey leading a sing-a-long, and Diana Ross lining up the hits of yesteryear. Gave Kendrick Lamar a go, headlining the final night, but gave up after three numbers, as we couldn't understand a blind word he said. He was wearing a sparkly silver thorn of crowns, so I kept expecting Jarvis Cocker to invade the stage and bear his arse, as he did to Michael Jackson when he made like Christ on the cross...presumably, Jarvis had been ushered from the festival site after his JARV IS set...

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