Sunday 19 June 2022

Saturday 18th June 2022

Woke around 0830 with back ache...that's what 900 miles in the car does to you, I guess. Got up and loosened up with some exercises, before Aki cooked a breakfast. Rather grey day. Had planned to walk up to Waterlow Park for our coffee, but it threatened to rain. Pottered about indoors instead. Watched a bit of tennis from Queen's...until rain stopped play! Clare from No.78 popped in...she who we had bumped into in Cardigan...wanting to have a look at what we'd done to re-configure the flat. She wants to refurbish the house she's in, but has no money, so we advised her to sell the Cardigan property and use the takings to fund some works in Sussex Way. Lord knows why she bought that house in the first place! Headed into town, getting the Piccadilly line into Piccadilly Circus.

Stuck our heads in at Brasserie Zedel to take a quick look at the Crazy Coqs cabaret space...looked great, so we resolved to go see Pete's show in there on Monday night. Met Tony in the Viet cafe on Greek Street and had a bowl of noodle soup, then walked up to Soho Theatre to see Cardboard Citizens' new piece, "Bangers", set in a noughties era nightclub to a banging soundtrack. The actress in it, Danusia Samal, had written the piece in rhyme...she was good; the lad playing opposite her, Darragh Hand, was star quality. They got a standing ovation. Guardian Review Bangers. We said farewell to Tony, and walked up to Oxford Street, taking a detour to see Brett's (who lives at No.7) new street art gallery in Ramillies Street, outside her Photographer's Gallery (pictured). Home by 2130.

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