Saturday 11 June 2022

Thursday 9th June 2022

Alarm at 0730. Got up around 0800 and went down for breakfast. Checked out of the Premier Inn, and headed westward to inspections in Uplands. Broke for lunch in The Vivian in Sketty just as the rain came down. Got a good soaking in Townhill! Finished around 1800 and drove to Mwmbles. Checked in to Patrick’s at the Boathouse…I used to stay in Patrick’s with Rooms, which had a restaurant too, but they sold up and now have four “apartments” in a neighbouring block which they rent out like an Airbnb…nice room on the first floor with Juliet balcony and bathroom. I walked up the coastal path to Verdi’s for dinner, then rocked up at Waterloo Stores for Paul & Bry’s open mic night. It got very noisy in there…and the shape of the room meant you couldn't really see any of the acts, at least not from my vantage point in the opposite corner. I did a couple of old blues numbers, and The Stones' Country Honk, which seemed to go down quite well, though I've played them better! Got to bed around midnight.

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