Thursday 16 June 2022

Thursday 16th June 2022

Alarm at 0730. Struggled out of bed around 0800. Tea. Porridge. Packed an over night bag and drove out west. Had only got round the corner when I noticed a warning light on the dash which suggested I had a flat tyre. Pulled in to the garage on Camden Road...tyres looked OK, and I double-checked them at the machine. Re-joined the Queen's highway, but the warning light was still shining! Stopped again at Heston Service station. They still looked OK, so decided to drive on to Reading Services. Started getting some text on the dash which suggested I needed to "store" the tyre pressures, and that it was the left rear tyre that was causing the problem. Started to think the on-board computer must have been disturbed when I put air in the tyres two days the garage at Reading Services I checked the left rear tyre which was fine. Parked up and read through the manual to find out how to access the computer to confirm the present tyre settings, which at last solved the problem! Bought some lunch items in M&S at Leigh Delamere Services, and ate in the car park. Got to my first inspection in Port Talbot around 1430. Finished the working day in Briton Ferry, then drove to Mwmbles. Day had clouded over, but still warm. Swansea Bay looked like the Riviera....shame Swansea sits on it! Checked in to Patrick's Boathouse, then FaceTimed Aki before walking along the sea front promenade to Verdi's for dinner. Walked off my pasta and tronchetto semi-fredo roll by heading up to the pier at Mwmbles Head. Got a nice photo of the lighthouse. Then walked back to my room, opened the French windows, and stuck Radio 6Music on. Aki called at 2215 for a quick chat, then it was shower and bed!

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