Wednesday 8 June 2022

Wednesday 8th June 2022

Alarm at 0730. Got up and did some more work at the computer. Broke for breakfast at 0830. Grabbed a coffee from the machine in the Tesco store next door, and returned to my laptop and got up-to-date. Headed back to Hafod, and spent the rest of the day driving around Swansea, including inspections in the city centre. Quite a lot of new build going up, especially north of the railway station. Stopped to get some lunch items from M&S in the city centre, and ate them in the car at the Premier Inn car park, overlooking the dock. Aki rang to say her brother-in-law's op had been successful, in that they'd managed to cut out half a diseased lung, but there are signs that the cancer has spread, so they've to do more tests. He's recovering in hospital for the next week or so. The afternoon saw me mostly working in Mount a shot over the roof tops toward Swansea Bay which would no doubt have been familiar to Dylan Thomas! Got back to the hotel around 1845. Met up with Nigel and Julie in the Lotus Thai restaurant just the other side of the J Shed. They showed me photos of the work on the new dormers on their house. Looks like the work rate is speeding up. Staggered back to the hotel and gave Aki a quick ring. Looks like she may have a bit of work on the Canvey Island shopping Centre refurbishment Hellen and Martin are doing. I did another hour on the laptop, then went through my songs ahead of tomorrow night's open mic at The Waterloo Stores.

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