Tuesday 14 June 2022

Monday 13th June 2022

Woke to radio alarm at 0800. Aki got up and at it, but I languished in bed for an hour. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Eventually got up and had a bowl of porridge for breakfast. Pottered about for a bit, and did a little work. Spent some time trimming my beard. Nice day, so we decided to take a walk up Highgate Hill. Bought a sandwich each from the cafe at Lauderdale House, and ate them for lunch in Waterlow Park, before heading back down the hill to do a little shopping in M&S at Archway. I made some fresh pasta for the evening meal, and a chicken, mushroom and walnut sauce. Watched new BBC crime drama, "Sherwood"...set in the constituency that poor old Jeremy tried and failed to win back for the Labour Party...the opening shot was of a young lady pushing leaflets through doors on behalf of the Tories! Alun Armstrong in it...though I wasn't utterly convinced by his Nottinghamshire accent me duck...but he gets killed off in the first episode!

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