Saturday 25 June 2022

Saturday 25th June 2022

Woke around 0900. Aki brought tea. Did a bit of reading before getting up for breakfast. Read some more V.S.Naipaul. Went for our constitutional. Aki wanted to take a look at the wild swimming at Woodberry Down reservoir, so we walked there via Seven Sisters Road. The reservoir is sizeable, and we found ourselves walking the New River path, finally crossing the river to gain access to the facilities. The base is an old electricity sub station, and there's a cafe round the back. It was quite busy...about 30 people in the looked like a triathlon. I can't say it looked very inviting! We walked up to Stroud Green via Finsbury Park, and had a spot of lunch at Common Ground on Stroud Green Road...nice area out back for sitting out in. Popped into Green & Glory next door, afterward, for some odds and ends. Came home and watched some Glastonbury coverage. Caught Levi, an old flatmate's daughter, doing backing vox and dance moves behind Self Esteem...she looked like she was having a ball. Texted her dad to say we were watching...for a moment, he thought we were there! Aki warmed up some defrosted mapo for dinner, and cooked up some rice to go with it. Watched Macca doing his thang...he looks remarkable for 80, though his voice is a bit wobbly...hats off to the auld fella, though!

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