Wednesday 29 December 2021

Wednesday 29th December 2021

Woke at 0130 with a nasty cough. Managed to get back to sleep, but woken again at 0430. Aki knocked on my bedroom door around 0700, and I hauled myself up and about to get things packed. Aki brought me some tea and porridge, then I transferred our luggage to the porch prior to packing it into the car. Said my goodbyes via the opened the automatic garage doors, as if in an episode of Star Trek. So far, they don't appear to be displaying any symptoms...hope it stays that way. Aki and I drove back down the M1 wearing blue latex driving gloves, and double layered masks, with the car windows open! I did the first half, through filthy driving conditions, rain and belts of fog. Fortunately there wasn't too much traffic about, and we arrived at Tibshelf Service Station around 1215. Had our lunch in the car, Aki going first while I kept my masks on, then it was my turn while she popped in to use the facilities. Aki took the wheel the rest of the way...the weather brightened up a bit as we headed south, but there was a lot of traffic about, especially on the M1 after Luton. Got home around 1545 and unloaded the car...Margaret from next door, bumped into us, and on being informed of my condition, gave us a wide berth. Mum called to see that we had gotten home in one piece. Aki set herself up in the spare room on the sofa bed, and I'm to self-isolate in our bedroom. Took a dining chair in there, and a guitar. Aki made intermittent contact via FaceTime from the kitchen, where she prepared dinner. Lamb shanks and tomato couscous. Lay in bed listening to the radio for a bit...but lying down seems to bring on the coughing, which in turn is giving my hernia repair more than a bit of gip.

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