Monday 6 December 2021

Monday 6th December 2021

Woke around 0800. Rolled out of bed to make some tea, and sat in front of the computer for the rest of the morning. Broke for lunch at 1330. Cooked up some poached eggs, which we had with mashed avocado on toast. Very grey day out there...raining for most of it, plus the odd bout of hailstones. Worked until 1700, then watched Pointless. Aki baked sea bream for dinner, which we had with potatoes and a dill and almond sauce. She had a zoom meeting with the JCUK bunch in the evening, as they planned their Christmas get together, which is on Friday. Hope they've all been jabbed! But it transpired that the venue had decided to put a cap on the numbers attending, so Aki not going after all. Nowt on telly, so played some guitar...learning Mrs Robinson, then I'll have a little set of three Simon & Garfunkel tunes in my repertoire. 

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