Wednesday 29 December 2021

Tuesday 28th December 2021

Woke around 0530 feeling a bit fluey...bit of a headache, and aching limbs, but no sign of any fever. Managed to get back to sleep OK after visiting the loo. Aki woke me around 0900 with a mug of tea, and later brought up a bowl of porridge. My sense of taste is definitely impaired, but no heavy cough, and no temperature, so hopefully it's a mild dose of Omicron. Aki keen to drive home to get us out of range of mum and dad. But I suspect I've already been at my most infectious. The PCR Test Kit arrived by Royal Mail. Kath called round...she thinks she needs to get a PCR Test done, maybe at a walk-in test centre, to assuage her employer. Aki drove off to Ponteland to post my PCR test, and get some items from Waitrose. A large bowl of soup was delivered to my door, with olive bread and jam for afters, which made for an interesting combination. Went on the RICS website in the afternoon to find some CPD courses that didn't involve me in parting with too much cash. Did a free one on Residential Service Charge Dispute Resolution...can't say I could tell you what it was about...a duller lecturer I've yet to meet. Still, that knocked off an hour's worth of CPD. Aki left me a plate of squash and mushroom risotto outside my door. I watched the final episode of "A Very British Scandal" before nodding off.

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