Monday 20 December 2021

Monday 20th December 2021

Woke at 0700 so got up and made a mug of tea, then sat at the computer for the rest of the morning. Had hoped the heating engineer would turn up in the morning, but no sign of him. Phoned Jim to check on his whereabouts...he had decided not to venture southward, since he's carrying a heavy cold, and has a cough he can't shake off. He has tested negative, though. Still, you don't want to sit in a West End theatre with him ,while he coughs his way through the show! Claims to have been looking at flats to rent in Gateshead...he'll begin a more earnest search come the new year. Soup for lunch. Rang the boiler man, and he asked a few questions in the hope that I might be able to rectify the problem, but to no avail. He promised to head our way later. He eventually turned up around 1900. He grappled with the boiler casing, and was unable to get the screws out...I called on Sush next door, who helped us seems the wrong screw has been forced into the housing, which meant he couldn't tighten them back up again afterward. He reckoned the problem lay not with the boiler, but with the electrical components, and called an electrician who specialises in boiler thermostats and receivers....but he was self-isolating with covid. I rang our local chap, Jack, but he also has covid! He gave me the contact details for another specialist, and I left a message for him. See what happens tomorrow morning. In the meantime, we remain without central heating. 

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