Friday 3 December 2021

Thursday 2nd December 2021


Headed out in the car again today, though did some work at the computer first. Aki had taken herself off to the Japanese Embassy to sort out some paperwork relating to her mother's passing. I headed out in the car around 1030 to mop up some inspections of Clarion stock in Camden, Islington, and Hackney. Bought a sandwich in Gail's Bakery on Upper Street for lunch, which I ate in the car. Got home around 1600. Aki cooked some salmon in coconut milk for dinner, which we had with rice, before walking up to No.127 for the Book Club meet. The Dazai provoked some interesting conversation...Gareth seemed to have found himself relating to the main character, which was rather worrying, as he tries to commit suicide a couple of times during the course of the novel! We are to read Gurnah's "Paradise" next...he won the Nobel Prize for Literature this year. 

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