Tuesday 21 December 2021

Tuesday 21st December 2021

Woke at 0715. Got up and made tea, then started work. It's proving to be a bit of a slog! Feeling the cold this morning. Phoned the plumber, and he said he'd get an electrician to phone me...a bloke called Ciaran rang, and suggested, for the sake of speeding up the job, that we source a new thermostat controller, and receiver ourselves. Popped out after lunch to a little plumber's merchant on Drayton Park Road, but he didn't have what we needed in stock. He's ordered it to be delivered tomorrow morning, hopefully. Really need to get it sorted before we can depart northward. Cooked confit of duck for dinner, with a homemade orange sauce. Watched a bit of telly. Gave Ian McKellen's one man show a go....great stuff, and dipped in to "Stop Making Sense" for a bit of a boogie in the living-room prior to bath and bed.

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