Thursday 9 December 2021

Thursday 9th December 2021


Woke around 0800. Got up and got to work at the computer. Today marks the 11th anniversary of our first date, which we decided to mark by ordering a takeaway from the Afghan Kitchen for this evening's meal. Broke for lunch around 1330, then ploughed on, trying to get some values researched by the close of play tomorrow. Kath rang, and said that Jim had been drunk when he'd phoned me a couple of nights ago to organise some theatre tickets for a couple of weeks hence, and couldn't recall what had been arranged! Tempted not to remind him!!! Drove down to Islington Green around 1845 to collect our takeaway. Got home and enjoyed chicken in their very special Afghan sauce, baked aubergine in chilli oil with a generous dollop of yoghurt on top, , and their unbeatable basmati rice. Watched a bit of telly in the hope of news of Boris Johnson's resignation, but sadly he's still hanging in there! 

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