Friday 31 December 2021

Friday 31st December 2021

Woke at 0600 and visited the loo. No coughing during the night, which was a relief, though I woke at 0800 in a bit of a cold sweat. Aki phoned from the room next door, and made me a mug of tea. Received an email from NHS Test & Trace, with a link to a lengthy questionnaire which I had to fill in with my recent movements and relevant contacts. It seems to suggest that close contacts need to test daily until 6th January! Aki tested negative again this morning. She cycled off to the fishmonger on Essex Road after breakfast. I stayed in bed and read some Shuggie Bain, listened to R6Music, and did a bit of CPD on the laptop. Managed to get hold of ma and pa via FaceTime. They were just about to head out for their constitutional. Spoke to Jim who said he had received the Test and Trace notification. My understanding is that there is no need to self-isolate if you have tested negative, and are fully vaccinated, which applies to everyone involved, except me, of course. Aki had made ham and pea soup yesterday which we had for lunch. We were sharing our meal over FaceTime, when the doorbell rang. Ben and Gayu had come over to see how things were faring, and had brought us some of Ben's promised Christmas cake. Enjoyed with a mug of tea. Spent most of the afternoon reading today's Guardian which Aki had brought back earlier from Waitrose. Aki cooked baked hake for dinner, wrapped in proscuitto, with mashed potato and vegetables. Tasted good, so I'll take that as a sign I'm coming out the other side of the infection...will test tomorrow in the hope of early release. Saw in the New Year from the back bedroom...Aki FaceTimed me from the front room, and we exchanged a New Year's kiss over the air waves!!! Hope 2022 is an improvement on 2021...Happy New Year everyone!!!

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