Wednesday 22 December 2021

Wednesday 22nd December 2021

Woke at 0715. Got up and made a mug of tea, then settled in front of the computer. Room temperature hovering around 16C...didn't really warm up all day. Rang the plumber's merchant around sign of the parts we'd ordered yesterday. The electrician rang for an update. I drove out to B&Q in Tottenham Hale, to see if they stocked anything useful...wasted journey. Nowt in Wickes either. Drove back to Drayton Park in the hope that the parts might have arrived, but still nothing. Brian the plumber's merchant phoned the delivery company, who told us he was running late.... I drove home. Got a phone call from the plumber's merchant soon afterward to say the parts had arrived, so sent Aki down there on her bike. Helen came round to delver a Christmas card, and suggested we borrow their electric heaters. I drove round and collected them before dinner. Jim Lister rang for a quick chat. He was driving home from Southwell, having spent the last three days looking after his mum and dad. His sister Mandy usually goes to look in on them daily, but is self-isolating after her daughter tested positive, so Jim had come down to cook some meals and jolly them along. 

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