Sunday 19 December 2021

Sunday 19th December 2021

Got up around 0900. Bit cold in the flat, but luckily it's pretty mild outside. Gave the heating engineer a call. Hopefully someone will turn up tomorrow, if not today. I popped out to Waitrose to get some shopping...needed some double cream to go with the chocolate pudding, amongst other things. Aki started preparing the fish stew, so nice smell hit me when I came back with the shopping. We tidied up a bit, and did some vacuuming. Phoned ma and pa. They said Kath had gone up to Edinburgh for a long weekend. Jim was at the Newcastle game. Haven't heard from him about tomorrow...has he bought a train ticket? Has he posted a negative lateral flow test?

Tony and Katrina turned up around 1730, bearing gifts. Tony revealed he was considering selling the Clapton flat, which he currently rents out, and buying somewhere in Seaford so he can be on hand to aid his ageing parents. His dad is suffering from advancing dementia, and his mum is getting to the point where she will no longer be able to keep things together on her own. Katrina still planning to find a retirement pad in Hastings. We sat down for a starter of pici with a cheese and pepper sauce, followed by Aki's very tasty seafood stew, then chocolate pudding with cream and clementine wedges...then cheese and biscuits. 

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