Sunday 19 December 2021

Saturday 18th December 2021


Busy day today. Aki cycled off to the fishmonger on Essex Road after breakfast. I finished printing off my CD covers, and packaged them up to take to the post box on Seven Sisters Road. Popped in on Eglal at Girasole and bought some festive goodies, and a couple of focaccia buns filled with mozzarella and tomatoes, for lunch. Spent a couple of hours at the computer this afternoon, trying to get on top of my workload...fat chance! Noticed the boiler was making an unfamiliar ticking sound, and discovered that the receiver has stopped talking to the room thermostat. Great! We have hot water, but no central heating. We'll all have to huddle round the oven tomorrow evening. Warmed up some aubergine parmigiana lasagna we found in the freezer for dinner. I spent a good half hour rolling pici before bath and bed.

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