Saturday 4 December 2021

Saturday 4th December 2021


Got up around 1000. Took delivery of our new Vodafone wifi hub. Took hours setting the blinkin' thing up! We escaped briefly to Big Jo's round the corner for a breakfast of coffee and pain au suisse. Came back and finished setting up. Lunched on ham, eggs and avocado toast. Pottered about in the afternoon learning how to play Homeward Bound, and reading Shuggie Bain. Warmed up the leftover beef cobbler for dinner, with lots of vegetables. Watched "Apocalypse Now: the Final Cut" via the BBC iPlayer. What a piece of work it remains...taut, tense, tough film making that looks as good as it did when it was released way back in 1979. Watched MOTD...Newcastle won their first game of the season, but I still reckon they'll be taking on Sunderland in the Championship next season...bring it on!

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